domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

The Year I Was Born

Hello Students!

In today's lab session, you'll write about what happened the year you were born. But first, watch the following video to get some inspiration.

An Autobiographical Research Project

What happened the year that you were born? What was going on in your town? Were there important events going on in your country? How about the rest of the world?

Today you are going to do online research to find details on what was going on internationally, nationally, locally, in sports, music, arts, commercial, TV, and publishing during the year that you were born.

Click on the links below to browse the websites. Use your notebook or a word document to record your findings.


1. You will conduct interviews of friends and family members to get more details.
Interview your family and other people about your birth and first year of life. If available, look through photo albums, baby books, and so forth. Before your interview, brainstorm a list of questions to ask. You can include questions about your parents’ occupation, other members of the family and community, pets, significant family and community events (in addition to your birth), activities family and friends were involved in, extended family members, favorite music, book, or sports team, and so on.

2. After you have done online research on the events that took place the year/date when you were born, and that you have also interviewed friends and family, go over your individual project notes and select the information you would like to put together into a two-page autobiographical text.

Here is a sample extract from an autobiographical account:

Once you finish writing the two-page autobiographical text, click on the link below to find the booklet press tool to create and publish your article.

When you finish your work, print a copy and hand it in to your teacher next class. This is an evaluated task.

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